Jalani Jaljira

Ingredients : 
Common salt, citric acid, Dextrose, cumin, ginger, mint, black pepper, Black salt & red chili.

Nutrition Fact : 
Calories 88.22 kcal, Total fat 0.98 g, saturated fat 1.15 g, polyunsaturated fat 0 mg,  monounsaturated  0 mg, Trans fat 0 mg, cholesterol 0 mg, sodium 22640 mg, total carbohydrates 170.10 mg, dietary Fibre 0 mg, sugars 0 mg, protein 2.75 g, vitamin a 0 mg, vitamin c 20.10 mg, calcium 30 mg, iron 3.60 mg,

  • use of Jalani Jaljira in summer affords relief. 
  • It can be added to sauce of tomato, coriander pundina etc. to develop the taste and make them appetizing.
  • addition of Jalani Jaljira to fried preparation (Dal-month, chiwra, Bundi, Fried-pulses, all types of wafers, popcom etc.) augment their taste and makes them digestive. 
  • use Jalani Jaljira with fruits, fruit juices, sugar cane juice, tomato soup, salad, egg, meat, pullao, tikka and make them digestive and tasty. 

Manufacture by :
Jalani Enterprises pvt. Ltd. C-34, M.I. Area, 1st phase, Basani, Jodhpur -342005 (India)